We’ve had a few days of active weather here in the Smoky Mountain region of East Tennessee. One front after another has come through and things have been a bit on the damp side. But that’s good! After two years of drought you won’t catch us complaining.

Water levels were a little high, but clearly fishable today after several days of rain.
Some relatively heavy rain passed through over the weekend, but water levels remained fishable. Today I took Jason and Leigh Ann Elkins fishing on Little River. They forgot their rain jackets, and anyone who follows our fishing reports will see this as a plot point that calls upon our steadfast faith in “Rain Jacket Voodoo”.
A front passed through last night with some high wind and heavy rain. Things cleared up this morning but conditions were still cloudy and damp. Turns out the voodoo wasn’t as big a deal as usual. Sleet doesn’t get you as wet as rain. Temperatures plummeted through the 40’s through the afternoon and continued to do so through the evening, but we’re forecast to be in the 60’s all week.
Nymph fishing was excellent today. We had fish eat Princes, Pheasant Tails, and Pat Nymphs. There were even a few fish hooked on Haystacks and Parachute Adams. It’s a good thing the fish were biting because it kept the chill off.
Last Friday I left my rain jacket in the car while unloading the drift boat. My anglers had their jackets, but not me. Apparently the emergency ponchos I keep in the boat aren’t strong enough to the voodoo at bay. Take it from me, rowing a boat in a poncho is a pain.
On the bright side, nymph fishing was excellent and my two anglers Emil and Keith did a fine job of staying hooked up.