It seems like everyone’s thoughts turn to brown trout in the fall, but there are more things to do than just chase the browns. Rainbows are rising well and brookies are even more colorful than usual. Even better, you can be sure they’ll rise to a dry fly.
It’s a good thing too. Looks like TVA has some oddball generation going this week that will make it a little tough to get on the tailwaters. The Clinch will be pushing some big water this week, so fishing there will require a boat, sink tip lines, big streamers and a cast iron will. The South Holston is negotiable, but flows are up and down. Same goes for the Watauga and the Holston below Cherokee Dam.
Even better, expect classic autumn weather and color. Water levels in the Smokies are perfect; a little high for fall, but that’s a good thing since this is typically our lowest water of the year. Expect cool mornings in the 40’s and generally sunny afternoons in the high 60’s or low 70’s this week. Start your day with nymphs but start thinking about the dry flies around 11:00 or noon.