We’ve had a busy spring season to say the least. Not only have we had plenty of guiding, but we’ve had numerous personal engagements to keep us hopping including setting up a field trip for Townsend Elementary School 3rd graders as part of the Trout in the Classroom program.

GSMNP fisheries biologist Caleb Abramson had local school kids spellbound as he displayed fish from the river
One of the most meaningful things we do each year is Trout in the Classroom. The Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited has provided chilled aquariums for local schools and TWRA provided rainbow trout eggs. The kids get to see the trout transform from an egg into fish while learning about aquatic ecology and the importance of clean water throughout the school year.
The trout release is always the most anticipated field trip of the year as the 3rd graders release rainbow trout they’ve raised in their classroom. Our local Little River KOA is kind enough to allow us the space to do the release before we move on to Metcalf Bottoms in the national park. We also arrange for national park personnel to come and do some programs with the kids as well as some Trout Unlimited volunteers.
Fisheries biologist Caleb Abramson showed the kids some wild trout from waters inside the park as well as non-game species like sculpins. Later we showed the children an assortment of aquatic insects and took them on a scavenger hunt in the park. It’s always a sure thing the kids are at least as excited about seeing creepy crawlies in the river as they are the trout.
We’re strong believers that the best way for conservation to move forward along with the sport of fly fishing is to engage youth. It’s so encouraging to see the kids so excited about trout and the wild lands in the Smokies that border their home town.