The calendar still says February, but we’re right on the brink of March when fly fishing in the Smoky Mountains gets good. Right now we’re still in that weird space when the warmer weather feels even warmer than it really is because it was so cold for the last two months. In reality, we’re a […]
Winter Thaw in the Smokies
This week has seen a dramatic warm up from the deep freeze we experienced for all of January. Last month was well below average and amounted to one of the longer stretches we’ve ever had without being on the stream with a fly rod. We did plenty of hiking regardless of the weather, but iced […]
Real Winter in the Smokies
Every year is unique when it comes to weather in the Smoky Mountains. We’ve had some exceptionally mild winters, more or less normal winters, wet winters, and cold winters. This year is shaping up to be exceptionally snowy and cold. Our personal fishing time has been somewhat limited by several things including the weather. There […]
Transitioning to Winter in the Smokies
It’s safe to say we’ve crossed the line from autumn to winter here in the Smoky Mountains. We’ve had to scrape frost from the windshield before taking our son to school in the morning. Our view of Thunderhead Mountain and the Smokies’ crest has been white too. We had a little snow up high last […]
Fall Fishing Plus News About Effects from Flooding
It’s been an exceptionally busy fall season for us guiding fly fishers here in the Smokies. It’s hard for us to believe just how quickly things have moved. It seems like only a few weeks ago we were hosting our group of anglers in Yellowstone, but that was in early September and we’ve barely rested […]
Late Summer Adventures Before Autumn Arrives
It’s been pretty hot and relatively dry here in East Tennessee, but things have been much more varied in the Smokies. While the Tennessee side of the mountains was extremely dry in July, the North Carolina side was wetter with more moisture from thunderstorms. Water conditions improved all over at the end of the month […]
Hot Summer in the Smokies
It’s been a hot summer here in the Smokies. That means that some of the most popular streams aren’t fishing at their best. There are still plenty of productive streams to catch trout, you’ll just have to do a little bit of exploring. While some of the large streams are getting pretty warm, there are […]
A Wet May Sets Up the Smokies for Good Water Conditions in June
It’s been a pretty wet May here in the Smoky Mountains. We’ve been dodging the weather and choosing streams based on water levels. Fortunately we haven’t had any long term flooding, only typical high water that corrects to normal in a day or two. We shuffled a few guide days around but managed to get […]
Spring Arrives in the Smoky Mountains
Spring arrives today, and with it has come a hard freeze in the Smokies. That’s pretty typical this time of year. Sunny and 70 degrees one day, windy with rain the next, freezing the day after that…. All part of a Smoky Mountain spring. The first good hatches of the year have started and seemed […]
Conditions for winter fishing become negotiable
January was a cruel month for those of us who enjoy spending time outdoors and on the streams of the Great Smoky Mountains. While we didn’t see record cold or unprecedented snowfall, we did experience a lengthy cold snap coupled with roads closed for icy conditions. And that was AFTER an extremely rare high water […]