Breathtaking video from the folks at More Than Just Parks
Getting Back to Normal
It was a strange autumn and it’s been a strange winter as well. Water levels were at historic lows in the Smokies and through the month of November we experienced a string of wildfires. The one most people know about turned out to be one of the largest in the history of Tennessee and devastated […]
Winter Fly Fishing Forecast for the Smoky Mountains and East Tennessee
Every year it seems like we’re just coming out of spring fishing, going into summer fishing, then we look around and find that the fall season has come and gone and winter is at our doorstep. Guiding keeps us busy wading and floating rivers all over East Tennessee, but with our children getting a little […]
September on the Henry’s Fork
Now that our guide season has slowed down we’ve had some time to go back and remember our time on the Henry’s Fork in Idaho. This was our sixth consecutive year hosting a group at TroutHunter, and while we say it every year, this year REALLY was the best yet. We had absolutely perfect weather, […]
Wildfire in the Smokies
After answering what seems to be countless phone calls and emails we’ve finally gotten around to posting something about the unprecedented wildfires we’ve experienced here in the Smoky Mountain region. First of all, let me say that we are fine and Townsend, Tennessee has been virtually unscathed through all of this. Gatlinburg has been quite […]
Brook Trout Restoration in Tennessee
Here’s a great short video from the folks at Tennessee Uncharted exploring how TWRA is working to restore the Southern Appalachian brook trout in its home range in our mountain streams. This effort is completely separate from efforts inside Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Summer Fly Fishing in Full Swing
We’re wet wading now so you could say that summer fishing has arrived. Water levels are in pretty good shape in the Smokies after significant rainfall last week. It was a relatively dry spring here in East Tennessee and our local reservoirs are far from full. While this may not be ideal for water skiing […]
Five Minute Getaway to the Smokies
Getting Kids on the Stream in the Smokies
Charity and I have always felt strongly about getting kids out on the water. Even the most fervent conservationists won’t live forever and a big part of the job is to make sure future generations care for our natural resources. The best way to make that happen is to get them out on the stream. […]
Creeks and Big Rivers, Drift Boats, Brook Trout, and Bears
It’s that time of the season when it can be hard for me to remember where I was only three days ago because we’re covering so much water. On any given day Charity and I might be almost anywhere within an hour or so of Townsend, including a vast expanse of Great Smoky Mountains National […]