It’s been a long time with only a few windows to get on the big rivers in East Tennessee, but this weekend things are going to change. TVA’s predicted flows for area trout rivers show that there will be wadeable flows on most rivers. The Clinch, Holston, South Holston, and Watauga will have the most […]
Fly Fishing in the Bitter Cold
Here in East Tennessee we’re in the middle of what is the coldest weather we’ve seen since 1996. We’ve had plenty of cold weather since then, just haven’t hit the lowest point on the thermometer since then. The winter of early 2010 was pretty cold and we can remember snow staying on the mountains for […]
2014 Starts Out Wet & Cold Across East Tennessee & the Smoky Mountains
As I sit down to write this Townsend, TN is under a winter storm warning through tomorrow morning. Right now it’s raining but we awoke this morning to the gentle tap of sleet outside. The Smokies are forecast to receive several inches of snow as temperatures fall late this afternoon through the night. All I […]
Let me tell you something kiddies….. It’s cold out there! The weather we’ve seen would be pretty standard issue for January but it’s been a shock to the system in November. Yesterday we saw temperatures plummet as snow fell in the Smokies. A great day to stay home and do some blogging or read a […]
Cold in the Smokies and High Flows on the Tailwaters
We’re looking forward to some mild weather that’s been forecast for East Tennessee this week. It’s been pretty cold up in the Smokies even though the weather has been relatively mild for January. Water temperatures in the Smokies haven’t topped 40 degrees in some time. That means that while fishing isn’t an exercise in futility, […]
Advice from the Guides Video Blog – Winter Fly Fishing on Abrams Creek
This is the first installment in our Advice from the Guides Video Blog. We’ve decided to take what would have been an article in our newsletter and do it as a video. Watch for future installments to include casting tips, streamer fishing, nymph fishing techniques, and more. This month we’ve focused on Abrams Creek, the […]
Smokies in the Grip of Intense Cold Weather; We Go Fishing
It’s been a tough week or so as far as the weather is concerned here in the Smoky Mountains. Temperatures have been peaking in the low to mid 20’s and there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight. It’s so bad that we’re longing for those days right after Christmas when it warmed up […]
Our Top 10 Tips for Fly Fishing with Nymphs in the Winter Months
Winter is among the toughest times of year to catch trout in streams. Water temperatures are cold and a trout’s metabolism is slow. Even though a fish doesn’t need to feed as much in cold weather, they will eat if given a chance. Fly fishing in the winter is different than spring, summer, and fall. […]
Winter Days in the Smokies
We’re just getting over a bout with the cold here in the Rutter household. Our daughter Willow picked it up at a birthday party a couple of weeks ago, Charity succumbed a few days later, and I held on until the bitter end when I got it. We all seem to have turned the corner […]